Omidi Shayegan, S., I. Nejadgholi, K. Pelrine, H. Yu, S. Levy, Z. Yang, J.-F. Godbout et R. Rabbany (2024). An Evaluation of Language Models for Hyperpartisan Ideology Detection in Persian Twitter. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Resources and Technologies for Indigenous, Endangered and Lesser-resourced Languages in Eurasia (EURALI).
Vergho, T., J.-F. Godbout, R. Rabbany et K. Pelrine (2024). Comparing GPT-4 and Open-Source Language Models in Misinformation Mitigation. Proceedings of the Responsible Language Models (ReLM) workshop.
Pelrine, K., A. Imouza, Z. Yang, G. Desrosiers-Brisebois, S. Levy, J. Tian, C. Amadoro, A. Blais, J.-F. Godbout et R. Rabbany (2024). Party Prediction for Twitter. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media.
Tian, J.-J., H. Yu, Y. Orlovskiy, T. Vergho, M. Rivera, M. Goel, Z. Yang, J.-F. G., R. Rabbany et K. Pelrine (2024). Web Retrieval Agents for Evidence-Based Misinformation Detection. Proceedings of the First Conference on Language Modeling, COLM 2024. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Puelma Touzel, M., S. Sarangi, A. Welch, G. Krishnakumar, D. Zhao, Z. Yang, H. Yu, E. Kosak-Hine, T. Gibbs, A. Musulan, C. Thibault, B. Tugce Gurbuz, R. Rabbany, J.-F. Godbout et K. Pelrine (2024). A Simulation System Towards Solving Societal-Scale Manipulation. NeurIPS 2024 Workshops: SoLaR, SATA, SafeGenAI.
Rivard A. B., J.F. Godbout et M. A. Bodet (2024). Political Dynasties in Canada. Government and Opposition, 1-21.
Rivard, A. B., M. A. Bodet, J.-F. Godbout et É. Montigny (2024). A Comprehensive Dataset of Provincial Legislative Assembly Members. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 57(2): 301-307.
A. Weber, M.A. Bodet, F. Gélineau et A. Blais (2024). An Election Too Far: Why do MPs leave politics before an election? Party Politics, 30(3): 493-504.
A. Fortier-Chouinard, M.A. Bodet, F. Gélineau, J. Savoie et M. Ouimet. (2023). Getting the Message Out: Why Mail-Delivered GOTV Interventions Succeed or Fail. PS: Political Science & Politics, 56(1), 42-49.
E. Gidengil et D. Stolle (2022). Populism. Christopher Sibley and Danny Osborne (eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Political Psychology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
E. Gidengil, D. Stolle et O. Bergeron-Boutin (2022). COVID and Support for Executive Aggrandizement. Canadian Journal of Political Science 55(2): 342-72.
E. Gidengil, D. Stolle et O. Bergeron-Boutin (2022). The Partisan Nature of Support for Democratic Backsliding: A Comparative Perspective. European Journal of Political Research 61(4): 901-29.
E. Gidengil et D. Stolle (2021). Beyond the ‘Gender Gap’: The Role of Gender Identity. The Journal of Politics 83(4): 1818-1822.
E. Gidengil et D. Stolle (2021). Comparing Self-categorization Approaches to Measuring Gender Identity. European Journal of Politics and Gender 4(1): 31-50.
J. Mansell, A. Harell, E. Gidengil et P. Stuart (2021) Psychophysiology, Cognition, and Political Differences: Guest editors’ introduction to the special issue. Politics and Life Sciences. 40(2): 1-5
Z. Yang, A. Imouza, K. Pelrine, S. Lévy, J. Liu, G. Desrosiers-Brisebois, J.F. Godbout, A. Blais and R. Rabbany (2021). Online Partisan Polarization of Covid-19. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). Workshop. Auckland (N-Z), 2021.
Z. Yang, A. Imouza, K. Pelrine, S. Lévy, J. Liu, G. Desrosiers-Brisebois, J.F. Godbout, A. Blais and R. Rabbany (2021). OPPVIS: Visualizing Online Partisan Polarization of COVID-19. Poster presentation for the IEEE Visualization & Visual Analytics (VIS). Virtual, October 14-15, 2021.
A. Harell, L. Stephenson et D. Stolle (dirs.) Intergroup Dynamics and Electoral Politics. Frontiers in Political Science.
M.A. Bodet, Y. Dufresne, J. Bouchard et F. Gélineau (2020). Follow the (Issue) Leader? The leader-led nexus revisited. Public Opinion Quarterly. 83(4): 661-689.
A. Harell, D. Stolle, P. Duguay, et VA Mahéo. (2020). Young People: Politics and Digital Technologies. T. Small et H. Jansen (dirs.) Digital Politics in Canada: Promises and realities. University of Toronto Press.
E. Gidengil et D. Stolle (2020). Comparing Self-Categorisation Approaches to Measuring Gender Identities. European Journal of Politics and Gender, 4(1): 31-50.
E. Gidengil, D. Dumitrescu et D. Stolle (2019). Gender and Candidate Communication: Is there a ‘Double Bind’? dans A. Wagner et J. Everitt (éds.), Gendered Mediation: Identity and image making in Canadian politics. Vancouver: UBC Press,
A. Harell, D. Stolle et E. Quintellier (2019). Experiencing Political Diversity: The mobilizing effect among youth. Acta Politica, 54: 684-712.
F. Kostelka, A. Blais et E. Gidengil (2019). Has the Gender Gap in Voter Turnout Really Disappeared? West European Politics, 42(3): 437-463.
L. Stephenson, A. Lawlor, W.P. Cross, A. Blais, et E. Gidengil (2019). Provincial Battles, National Prize? Elections in a federal state. Montreal: McGill Queen’s University Press.
A. Blais, P.J. Loewen, D. Rubenson, L. Stephenson et E. Gidengil (2018). Information on party strength and strategic voting: Evidence of non-effects from a randomized experiment. Dans L. Stephenson, J. Aldrich et A. Blais (éds.). The Many Faces of Strategic Voting. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
A. Blais, E. Guntermann et M.A. Bodet (2017). Linking Party Preferences and the Composition of Government: A new standard for evaluating the performance of electoral democracy. Political Science Research and Methods, 52(2): 315-331.
S.N. Golder, I. Lago, A. Blais, E. Gidengil et T. Gschwend (2017). Multi-Level Electoral Politics: Beyond the second-order election model. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
F. Gélineau et A. Harell (2016). The Consequences of Ethnic Diversity: Advancing the debate dans R. Koopmans, B. Lancee et M. Schaeffer (dirs) Social Cohesion and Immigrants in Europe and North America, London: Routledge.
A. Blais, E. Gidengil et A. Kilibarda (2016). Partisanship, Information and Perceptions of Government Corruption. International Journal of Public Opinion Research 29: 95-110.
S. Krastev, J.T. McGuire, D. McNeney, J.W. Kable, D. Stolle, E. Gidengil et L.K. Fellows (2016). Do Political and Economic Choices Rely on Common Neural Substrates? A Systematic review of the emerging neuropolitics literature. Frontiers in Psychology (Decision Neuroscience).
D. Stolle, A. Harell, S. Soroka et J. Benkhe (2016). Religious Symbols, Multiculturalism and Policy Attitudes. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 49(2): 335–358.
S. Soroka, E. Gidengil, P. Fournier et Lilach Nir (2016) Do Women and Men Respond Differently to Negative News? Politics & Gender 12(2): 344-68.
F Gélineau et A. Blais (2016). Comparing Measures of Campaign Negativity: Expert judgments versus content analysis dans A. Nai et A. Walter (dirs.), New Perspectives on Negative Campaigning: Measures, causes, and effects, Essex: ECPR Press.